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Everything posted by Phuongismylife

  1. #5 won 1m2 by Jouveemouvee
  2. #5 started by Jouveemouvee, end at 11:23 A.M GMT+1 01/11/22
  3. Concerning the mount, if u bought a mount by cc, just try to trade/sell it and buy the one u like later on when u unlock trade function
  4. If you still want to sell it, reach me in discord Feitan#2528. Ty
  5. #1: S.O.: 700k Insta: 1m5 End at: not started yet #2: S.O.: 1m5 Insta: 2m5 End at: not started yet #4: S.O.: 1m2 Insta: 2m End at: not started yet All auctions follow the rules belows: End 24hrs after 1st bid Minbid: 100k Accepted payment: Cash, CC as 360k, RC as 6k Before an auction started, a poke can be sold in a different insta price (personal deal) . Once an auction start, the insta in this post won't be changed! My contact: IGN- Phuongismylife, Discord- Feitan#2528
  6. Insta by Zeldawoot, auction ended
  7. Started at 2:07 GMT+1 by @Fernandoselim
  8. C.O.: 1m2 by Fernandoselim Insta: 2m5 Minbid: 100k End at: 14:07 GMT+1 , 31/10/2022 Accepted paymen: CC as 360k, rc as 6k
  9. Sold by personal offer ingame, auction canceled
  10. sr s.o. is fixed
  11. Auction canceled, sold by insta offer ingame before auction start
  12. He only got 30 hours playtime, and with a rate of 30k/ea it's fully suspect from the beginning imo. You should always check the player's info before buying some service like this. I don't say newbies aren't trustworthy but a scammer is likely to have a low playtime because maybe they are new, maybe they are using an alt account to avoid punishment. Anw I think with all those proofs you can probably report it in Report section as Leafstoned recommended and get back ur pokes. GL
  13. As title says, most my pokes are event togepis, eevees, ... which I need to train to lvl 95, with 85 EVs for all 6 stats.
  14. 13m my offer , by cash. Hit me in discord if u re interested in it or for further discussion : Feitan#2528
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