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Everything posted by Noahblanco1

  1. Alright. Auction has started now. C.o 2m by @Saruron Auction ends the 28/2 11:50am (gmt+1).
  2. s.o was 2m winner Aiberty with the offer 2m6 Min bid: 100k Accepted payment: cc 350k. rr 600k. no insta. Auction ends the 28/2 11:50am (gmt+1). gl and have fun;)
  3. we have traded already. we dont need a force
  4. @Manbat @Mbk Can someone force this trade. beacuse i dont think he is online.
  5. Auction has ended. The winner is @Imalegal with the offer 3m. Write here when u are online or discord Noahh#1169
  6. Last bump. Auction ends in under 2 hours.
  7. im not home. Can we mby get a mod to force
  8. Event form Bisharp. C.o 3m by @Imalegal minimum bid: 100k accepted payment: rr 600k. cc 350k Insta 8m. Auciton ends the 25/2 12:40 am gmt+1 If u are on silver server I will transfer Good luck and have fun;)
  9. Auction has ended. @Cuakicuc is the winner. offer was 6.7m
  10. @Neznacan u confirm that u have bid 5.8m and 6.1m. Beacuse someone told me that u Cant bid over discord.
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