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Everything posted by Noahblanco1

  1. 826k. Sry this was the wrong auction i bid on i thought it was dragonite xd. I also cant bid 826k. It sais i minimum bid 100k. Sry.
  2. I Cant Trade atm. Im at work. I Will be Home 7pm ish
  3. Auction has ended. Winner is @Xaizen pm me on discord or here Noahh#1169
  4. @Mandaloriany I Can see the auction has ended and i was the highest bidder. Add me on discord Noahh#1169 so we Can talk about when we Can trade. Im not Home atm. I Will be home tmr after work. 7 pm ish;)
  5. @Xaizen noted. c.o 180k
  6. s.o: 100k minimum bid 10k accepted payments: cc 350k. rr 600k. no insta. Auction ends in 34h after start
  7. @Pomelostoo late. Auction was over some hours ago. The winner is @Elijope. Pm me here or on discord Noahh#1169
  8. @Eon ty for the information. Did not know. Im pretty knew to Selling stuff on Forum. And Sry about the end time. I Ty for clearing it up
  9. 350k
  10. xd. bought it for 1m and the one who sold it said he got it pc around 1.1-1.5m @Harutaa
  11. price check on this in this state and when i train it to salamence?
  12. Auction has ended. 7nolife7 won Bagon. 74k. pm me here or discord. Noah#1169
  13. 3h left. c.o 69k
  14. auction ends in 6h. c.o 69k
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