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  1. 1.3 mil Scyther (48 hours have passed. I won )
  2. Winner of the auction: Yazzop! Trade has been completed and payment has been done Congratulations!
  3. Current Offer: 270k by Yazzop 40 minutes left! Good luck everyone
  4. Current Offer: 230k by Xthesilentz 3 Hours left for auction to end
  5. Current offer: 151k by Yazzop
  6. Current offer: 150k by Keerthannayak
  7. Started by Ravan01!
  8. End time: 48 hours after first bid Payment methods: pokedollars, rare candies -worth 7k, capsule coins - worth 500k, iv rr - 500k, nature rr- 300k Starting Price/Offer: 100k Minimum Bid: 1k Insta Price: 500k
  9. Trade complete! Close auction, please. Thank you
  10. Want to sell this guy too. Post your offers in this thread; or pm me in discord (lazyguy#5547) or ingame: Philiip (online now)
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