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  1. Hello GM! name : Sabito12 accidentally delete a pokemon by mistake of the mause. and I wanted to get it back I await your prompt reply. thanks I'm from the gold server. ID: 28424914 Hello, your Pokemon have been restored and should be in the last slot of your PC. Have a great day! -Maisa
  2. name : sabito12 sever: gold -I was hunting pokemon in the union cave, and came out shiny golbat. But I accidentally clicked [Run], and after 0.5 seconds a message board appeared: [rare shiny]. But I trembled accidentally and disappeared, but the notice board still remained. Hope you can review and check history for me, thank you very much!
  3. Sorry, I want to close the post. Due to my wifi signal, thanks
  4. Hello GM! name : Sabito12 I'm from the silver server Why can't I log in to the silver server, or the server is under maintenance. Let me know the earliest information from gm. thanks!
  5. Hello GM! name: Sabito 12 Reason: Initially I had 2 reroll ivs tickets, and my first reroll ATK: 25, spd: 24. But because I accidentally pressed the [No] box and I missed it. Hope Gm can help get back to those ivs, and I won't ask for anything else I'm from the silver server.
  6. Hello GM! name : Sabito12 accidentally delete a pokemon by mistake of the mause. and I wanted to get it back I await your prompt reply. thanks I'm from the silver server.
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