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Everything posted by Falofa

  1. Username:Falofa Server to charge the money from:Silver Main Server to transfer:I want to go from Silver to Gold
  2. Falofa

    IOS version.

    Well, There is no other possibilities than this (IF IT WORKED) and I hope it will tbh cuz I want it on my phoneeee im dyinggg
  3. Yo this is more for the owner of the game or the ones who responsible for updates/releasing , so basically I’m trying to find a way to play it on iOS no matter what . So what I’m suggesting I’m not sure if u can make it like this but I’m asking u to check if you could make the game as IPSW file and then we can easily move it from the pc using cable & iCloud . So if you guys can check and tell me i would appreciate it :).
  4. Well it won’t change I bet but the thing is , u guys are afraid to be hacked or something just like other games ?
  5. What about the IOS version , I wanna play it while being at work
  6. Oh really? is it consider? the better fighting style etc ..?
  7. Hey people, so first of all all of us have waited for some improvement for some pokemon game and this could be it . so I suggest about the graphics to be better (Optional Ofcourse) then I suggest that the battle window could be more improved maybe ? Better graphics & better fighting style like when u have an electric pokemon and u hit electric ball for example u can see a relastic lighting things from your pokemon to the enemy . And again that's my opinion I hope u would make it though cuz i'd love that and i'm sure many people would oh and add IOS version plz XD.
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