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Everything posted by Taurus2907

  1. Hello,if this mesi is still available i would like to buy it. My ign is Taurus2907... thanks^_^
  2. Hello,if this medi is still available i would like to buy it. My ign is Taurus2907... thanks^_^
  3. Ill bid 1.7m on the haxorus
  4. Yes I agree baton pass must be banned in PvP...I have seen many people using gliscor swords dance to buff high speed Pokemon like jolly garchomp and sweep out everything...it can't be called a fair match at all..even giving a good amount of speed to heavy hitters like rhyperior using scolipede speed boost will finish everything before start..they will have no weakness at all..it will be like a dictator ruling eveything...hence I request baton pass be banned Thanks.
  5. Hello everyone..it will be better if you guys (mods)please work on the lend system soon...there are many people who still don't have boss Pokemon or some Pokemon required for certain quests........ As lend is disabled...it has now become difficult to trust and give him/her the pokemons for any purpose... Just a suggestion from my side.
  6. hello moderators....I accidentally lost my entei as it couldn't be caught due to my storage being full...I rebattled Nikola and clicked the respawn button but when I returned to the route 25 cave,entei was not there...can u pls bring my entei back?this is the link of the image for proof.. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/482467118860992522/707943328838320138/Screenshot_20200507-184349.png
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