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  1. SO - 2.5m Min bid 100k Insta none Auction duration - 2 days Payment methods:- Poke dollar, CC-450k ea., iv reroll-500k ea. timer:-add after first bid
  2. @Shiringasay when u can
  3. @Hawluchaa can you help with the force trade?!
  4. auction over @Shiringa dm me
  5. nearly 3 hr left
  6. So: 200k Mini bid: 50k Accept cc: 400k and pokedollars Time: 24 hrs after first bid Timer:https://www.tickcounter.com/countdown/6004785/my-countdown Discord contact:_mightysun
  7. thx for making it clear man i didnt wanted to have any problems later on @Alejandrodthx again
  8. it depends on time and i dont know how to calculate time of gmt can u get mods on it so its fair?
  9. i am online vermilion can we meet in vermi gold server??
  10. i am gonna sleep for now hahah i will dm u tommorow morning
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