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About Ashaleigh

  • Birthday 12/29/1994

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388 profile views

Ashaleigh's Achievements

Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. Huge update to my shop today, when I get more time I will add more, reiterate, and price the majority of things. Enjoy!
  2. Dang this guy is everywhere to cut me off on skarmories what in the world lol.
  3. My budget varies for the following ivs if trained: 20+def 20+hp = 300k 25+def 25+hp = 400k 20+ def 20+ hp 20+ spdef = 400k 25+ def 25+ hp 25+ spdef = 700k My budget varies for the following ivs if not trained: 20+def 20+hp = 200k 25+def 25+hp = 300k 20+ def 20+ hp 20+ spdef = 300k 25+ def 25+ hp 25+ spdef = 600k Please feel free to contact me with inquiries or offers.
  4. I've beaten Neroli several times with this team with not even the slightest hint of a chance at failure. You're doing something wrong. I'll provide a step by step walkthrough on what I do when I fight Neroli: P.S in a couple weeks I will compile some videos to make guides for how this team is used. (Slowly recording multiple runs of every boss in the game til I find ones that show the peak of everything we need to adapt to!) There are a few things in the authors document file that are incorrect and/or missing. Mostly common sense things but apparently even the noted things aren't "common sense" to people who don't read.
  5. Oooh thank you! Was wondering what was going on.
  6. Major Update! 7/13/2023 I have added trained pokemon for pve & pvp to the shop Took a while to convince myself to start collecting the screenshots. PvE/Boss Mons: Others Trained: Others Untrained: Sold: -to be updated Feel free to pm me or reply for any inquiries at all P.S Forewaning: my shop is primarily designed to help new players get what they need to do their quests, beat any boss, and entry level pvp. That said, ALL of my prices are negotiable, likely I am willing to take losses if the circumstances seem relevant & honest. I'm here to help people, not to "get rich", as I had everything I needed on this game over 4 years ago ^^ At this point I'm just a semi-retired collector & hunter who happened to pop back into the game recently. I am still in the process of researching many modern prices based on recent sales & unsold priced pokemon. This might take a while, so on top of my limited free time, I also have to spend some of that gathering data to finish pricing everything. (While honestly pointless since I don't typically expect to sell anything at exactly what I price it as!) Anyway, enjoy your time browsing my shop! (Will replace this with something more concise when the shop is done.)
  7. Taking offers on the following: -Shiny Zubat -Shiny Buizel -Shiny Primeape -Pink Seel -Xmas Ampharos -dapper? Golduck (Don't remember what this was from) Feel free to pm me on forums or in-game (If I happen to be online already by some chance)
  8. Looking for HA (Tinted lens or Runaway) with modest nature & 20+ spatk/speed ivs.
  9. Ashaleigh

    New Leaf - Fw/k

    1. What's your Player name (IGN)? Ashaleigh 2. Number of hours played? 148 on that account, like 600 hours between 4 (That said I just came back to the game today and completely out of the loop!) 3. What's your favorite Pokemon? Hard to pick a single favorite but to name some: (F) Meowstic, Cincinno, Shiny (F) Butterfree 4. What do you enjoy doing the most in PRO? (Hunting, PvP, trading, etc) I was mostly a pvm / hunter type when I played last. Trading is honestly frustrating unless I was just daily grinding my gold & buying what I wanted. PVP is nice but it's just too steep on an mmo setting-- Spoiled by showdown I suppose. 5. How long have you been playing Pokemon? (Optional) Since 1998-1999ish 6. Favorite ice cream flavor. (Optional) Might not count but orange cream popsicles are definitely my favorite cold sweet treat!
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