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Everything posted by Boblechef

  1. Hello, I Merged my red account to the silver server but i still can't connect to it. Support told me to reset my password which i did and it still does not connect. Help me plox boblechef
  2. Place to train lvl 30-40 poke for the 5th gym?? Hoenn
  3. Im gonna update my schedule soon and hire people from my guild or not you can post your candidature here!! :)
  4. bump bump bump (people always pm me in game so thats why my post is not very active)
  5. bump almost done with my current daycare
  6. Very good idea !! bump
  7. Boblechef daycare house (cheapest in town :D )Go to trade and daycare shop to see my post and all the information you need
  8. Nice Red P.S the winner will know when hoenn is released ahahaha
  9. Frillish for 80k (just tell me if its too low,i dont know if hes worth more or less)
  10. Thank you Guys !!! I have a lot of customers and work to do :D im happy
  11. Daycare started thank you for choosing my services :D
  12. Thank you for choosing my services guys :D i appreciate it
  13. Thanks a lot, i appreciate it :D
  14. Re: Boblechef house (Fast daycare) Always open!!!Cheap <r><QUOTE author="Psychasm"><s> </e></QUOTE> add me</r>
  15. Re: Boblechef house (Fast daycare) Always open!!!Cheap <r><QUOTE author="MrDab"><s> </e></QUOTE> <br/> add me in game mrdab</r>
  16. Re: RayCefiro's Shop (updated 30/10/2015) <t>ok thanks can i reduce it at 65k :D ?</t>
  17. Re: RayCefiro's Shop (updated 30/10/2015) <r><QUOTE author="RayCefiro"><s> </e></QUOTE> Thank you, best offer for now (End on 31/10/2015 03:00 GMT+7) <QUOTE author="GhostMaster"><s> </e></QUOTE> Thank you, best offer for now (End on 31/10/2015 04:00 GMT+7) <QUOTE author="Boblechef"><s> </e></QUOTE> Levitate or Frisk one ?<e> </e></QUOTE> <br/> levitate one</r>
  18. Re: Boblechef house (Fast daycare) Always open!!!Cheap <t>add me in game mrdab</t>
  19. </COLOR> Current Daycare EV train eevee/squirtle <i></i> Welcome to the Boblechef daycare house :D Staff member: Boblechef schedule 16h-23h GMT -05:00(monday-friday)(eastern us/canada)/hidden member/hidden member EV Training 50k full set (252/252/4) Leveling Level 5-100 - 120k Level 10-100 = 100k Level 20-100 = 90k Level 30-100 = 80k Level 40-100 = 75k Level 50-100 = 70k Level 60-100 = 65k Level 70-100 = 60k Level 80-100 = 55k Level 90-100 = 50k Level 98-100 = 15k You can pay with MS Leave a message with youre information: IGN: Pokemon: Current Level: Wish Level: Evolve(Yes/No/Level): EV Training: (yes/no)
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