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Everything posted by Dooz

  1. sold naive shiny Krabby to Iammeetdp
  2. HP Ice bulba sold for 260k+BMS to Zounclash
  3. Sorry Ssolo I'll contact grzelu first for the bb greninja
  4. last machop sold to Pewdiepie
  5. Sold the Adamant Machamp 400k to Pariskon27 (he asked for that price, initially 420k)
  6. sold ampharos and 2 boss whimsi for 700k (he negotiated for that group price)
  7. sold hp ice ditto, hp ground ditto and haxorus
  8. Sold the 20+ adamant machop
  9. togekiss sold to Alexandrian
  10. Sold 2 Gibles, S Psyduck and S Delibird
  11. Hello everyone, welcome to my shop ! I've always been too lazy to sell more than one or two Pokemon at once, whether in game or on forums ... Here come all the survivors for the past 4 years, who dodged giveaways, releasing, lending (without the fancy recent feature), or any I'd like to get rid of ! The shop is divided in two parts : - the first half has only insta prices set, all negotiable and may be set up for auction. - the second half has fixed prices only, none negotiable. I accept as currency : - IV Rerolls : 700 k ea - Nature Rerolls : 350 k ea - CC : 400 k Every level 100 ev trained Pokemon also has its moveset ready. Happy bidding / offering / buying ! PART 1 : NEGOTIABLES PART 2 : NON-NEGOTIABLES
  12. --
  13. Hey guys, thanks for your offers and sorry for answering this late I didn't even notice the second page. I won't be able to play for another couple days, therefore I'm closing this thread, I still answer private messages on the forums when I see them.
  14. no offers yet for milotic. Togekiss 30 speed sold for 2,2m
  15. Pictures should appear now sorry
  16. Hello, selling these Toge #1 sold Send offers via PM or in game (IGN : Dooz)
  17. All pokemons still available (waiting for TICOSU to get Rapidash)
  18. Last day until Rapidash bid ends !
  19. Thanks There are as many fake bids as in game, PM me with your offer if you're serious
  20. End for togekiss bid removed, last bidder retired.
  21. Hello sorry I had no time to play pokemon recently. I will auction togekiss until tomorrow (included i might not have time to login today aswell) since the price it reached suits me. The offers for shiny rapidash don't suit me yet, I might remove it from selling tomorrow. Fixed end of togekiss bid : February 9th midnight (I'll be online some hours before) Sorry again for being away and thanks for bidding
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