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  1. 250k
  2. Close win MrH0l
  3. Charizard full trainer 31x2 s.o 1m Min bid 100k No insta Accept cc 400k iv rerrol 700k Auction end in 48 hour after first bid
  4. Starting price: 2m Ending point: 09/10/2020 (3 days) at 20:00 (Gmt-5) Insta price; 10m Available payments: Pokedollars and cc (400k) Minimum raise: 200k This pokemon is on gold server, silver players trades have to come to gold for it
  5. Estaba limpiando la caja de pc y sin querer le di a eliminar a umbreon, no me di cuenta y más como juego en Android, tengo el pantallazo de la ID
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