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Everything posted by Laviter

  1. start In fact, I started before you fixed this thread
  2. so who is starter?
  3. I think this thread is invalid. read trade rule
  4. I won right?
  5. @Vatevuoktliek you won
  6. @Vatevuoktliek you won
  7. When u come to silver, tell me plz
  8. About 6hours left
  9. S.O 300k Min raise 50k Insta 1m End time: 22:13, 2023.10.09 (GMT+9) 24h auction from 1st bid Item cc 400k iv rr 500k nature rr 250k [Poke52385281] C.O 350k by vatevuoktliek. Min raise 50k, Insta 1m. 3h left
  10. You can check writing time if u drag mouse point to "posted 4 Hours ago"
  11. I think I won. Auction was already finished you can check writed time of asmodeusz thread
  12. S.O 5m Min raise 200k Insta 15m 48h auction from 1st bid Item accept: - IV reroll 500k - Nature reroll 250k - Coin capsule 400k
  13. .
  14. Start
  15. .
  16. .
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