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Everything posted by Uncledeo

  1. 1.3m c.o by gclark13
  2. My discord is UncleDeo#7195
  3. 400k 400k 500k bold hp fire almost epic 800k 200k 1m s.o 600k min bid 100k 24 hrs auction i start auction when i see the 1st bid h.a jolly max spd s.o 1m min bid 100k 24 hrs auction i start auction when i see 1st bid insta 4m
  4. h.a ninetales alolan or vulpix alolan rotom -wash timid hp fire
  5. corsserver and whats insta ?
  6. Username:UncleDeo Server:Gold Country:Philippines (GMT+8)
  7. pm me on my discord uncledeo 7195
  8. high budget for ninetales alo
  9. 2m gold server
  10. how many hrs left ?
  11. crosserver?
  12. 500k s.o min bid 50k 24hrs the auction start when i see the 1st bid ty ^.^
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