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Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. 500k
  2. I have gmt +9, i ready awake bro sory hahah
  3. Hello bro, i want buying a bunnelby or diggerbsy H. A, not need godly, if 15+ ivs, but a need speed 31, If u have, pliese sell to me
  4. diito 31 speed already found
  5. dear lovely staff i have a buneary lvl 100 and max happy 255 but i dont know how to reduce level because i want evo to lopunny, some tell me about mysterius candy, i already have that candy, but why not work to my poke, plies help me
  6. hello staff, forgive me for the small disturbance, I have managed to fix the fps problem, apparently I just need to set it in my phone settings
  7. halo staff Recently I wanted to play PRO again, but I noticed there was an error in the fps limit, the first time I played I could increase the fps limit to 60, but now why can I only increase the maximum to 30fps, can you help me to increase it again to 60 fps
  8. ok thank u for info
  9. hello kind staff, finally after 3 years of rest, I'm back to playing this game, and you know, I was so surprised when I fought the boss, and it turned out to be the current boss, why can the opposing NPC replace its initial Pokemon with another Pokemon, I am a baton pass and memento user, surprised by this, can you explain it, because my baton pass is useless
  10. Yes, and i already catch zapdos, ty for help, have nice days regards
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