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Everything posted by Dragokraz

  1. Start : 500k Insta : 2m Min bid 100k Auction end 48h after the first bid.
  2. This is the main pokemon I want : Wtb Godly Hippowdon - Impish - Sand Stream - (31 HP / 25+ others) Wtb Godly Excadrill - Adamant - Sand Rush (31 SPD / 25+ others) Wtb Godly Mandibuzz - Carefull - Overcoat (31 HP / 25+ others) Wtb Godly Garchomp - Naive - Rough Skin (31 SPD / 25+ others) Wtb Godly Gardevoir - Timid - Trace - Hp Fire (30 SPD / 25+ others) Wtb Godly Gardevoir - Timid - Trace - (31 SPD / 25+ others) Wtb Godly Beedrill - Sniper - (31 SPD / 25+ Others) But I'm also buying all your godly who are not in the list, my requirement it's 31 SPD / 25+ for offensive and 31 HP / 25+ for defensive. If you have one of them or godly which is not on the list, pm me. My discord it's Dragokraz#7745
  3. Sorry I can't take your bid because you were not at time and the auction is end now. The winner of this auction it's @Delta with his 500k bid. But you are feel free to pm me in game, I have another very good Weedle maybe this one will interest you.
  4. Auction is end. @Deltayou can pm me in game or add me on discord at : Dragokraz#7745 for meet me and take the pokemon that you had winning in this auction. Thank you everyone, Dragokraz
  5. Thanks for your offer @Delta Best offer 500k 2 hours and 30 minuts left Good luck,
  6. I want 30M but you can still offer me your price, I'm open to nego. I can accept : - Cash - Godly Pokemon - CC Add me on discord if you want discuss about it : Dragokraz#7745
  7. Hello everyone, Auction started with @Santorinios with 100k. The auction will end 48 hours after his bid. Good luck,
  8. Start : 100k Insta : 1m Min bid 100k Auction end 48h after first bid Bms = 180k Ms 15d = 200k Ms 30d = 400k Ms 60d = 800k Normal mount = 100k (except free) Shiny mount = 250k CC = 400k Reroll iv = 750k Reroll nature = 350k
  9. Start : 1m Min bid : 200k Auction end in 24 hours after first bid Bms = 180k Ms 15d = 200k Ms 30d = 400k Ms 60d = 800k Normal mount = 100k (except free) Shiny mount = 250k CC = 400k Reroll iv = 750k Reroll nature = 350k
  10. Start price : 300k Min raise 100k Auction end in 24 hours after first bid.
  11. Auction is end. Congratulations@Dragolax90210 For have your pokemon, you can pm me in game or send me a message on discord if i'm offline. My discord is : Dragokraz#7745
  12. 2 hours left
  13. Start : 100k Min bid : 100k Auction end 24h after first bid.
  14. @Rarehunt1 Congratulations ! You have won the auction with your 600k offer. You can contact me in game or in forum for take your pokemon. See you in game for make the trade, Dragokraz
  15. Hi everyone, This is my Wishlist. Priority : - Godly Swampert Damp 31 HP 24+ Relaxed - Godly Breloom Poison Heal 31 Spd Jolly 24+ - Godly Altaria Naive 31 Spd 24+ Cloud Nine - Godly Chandelure Infiltrator Timid HP Ice 31 Spd 24+ - Godly Lucario Jolly Justified 31 Spd 24+ Others : - Godly Florges Calm 24+ and 31 HP - Godly Roserade Timid 30 Spd 24+ Technician HP Fire - Godly Beedrill Jolly 31 Spd / 24+ - Godly Gyarados Intimidate / Moxie Jolly 31 Spd 24+ - Godly Infernape Jolly 31 Spd 24+ Blaze - Godly Alakazam Timid HP Ice 31 Spd 24+ Magic Guard or HP Fire 30 Spd 24+ - Godly Gengar Timid 30 Spd 24+ HP Fire or 31 Spd HP Ice 24+ - Godly Garchomp Naive 31 SPD 24+ Rough Skin - Godly Hippowdon Impish 31 HP 24+ Sand Stream - Godly Scizor Adamant 31 SPD 24+ Technician - Godly Mandibuzz Carefull 31 HP 24+ Overcoat - Godly Excadrill Sand Rush Adamant 31 SPD 24+ - Godly Gardevoir Hp Fire 30 SPD 24+ - Godly Blissey 31 HP 24+ Natural Cure - Godly Chansey 31 HP 24+ Natural Cure - Godly Clefable 31 HP 24+ Unaware / Magic Guard - Godly Hydreigon 31 SPD 24+ Timid or Naive - Godly Dragonite 31 SPD 24+ Adamant or Naive - Godly Magnezone 30 SPD 24+ Magnett Pull Hp Fire - Godly Magmortar 31 SPD 24+ Hp Ice Vital Spirit - Godly Vaporeon 31 HP 24+ Bold Water Absorb - Godly Crobat 31 SPD 24+ Jolly Infiltrator - Godly Azumarill 31 SPD 24+ Adamant Huge Power - Godly Gliscor Carefull Poison Heal 31 HP 24+ - Godly Heracross Jolly 31 SPD 24+ Moxie - Godly Weavile Jolly 31 SPD 24+ Pressure - Godly Carefull Snorlax 31 HP 24+ Thick Fat - Godly Skarmory Impish 31 HP 24+ Sturdy - Godly Manectric Lightning Rod 31 SPD 24+ Hp Ice or Grass - Godly Metagross Adamant 31 SPD 24+ Clear Body - Godly Staraptor Jolly Reckless 31 SPD 24+ - Godly Togekiss Timid 31 SPD 24+ Serene Grace - Godly Serperior Timid Hp Fire 30 SPD 24+ Contrary - Godly Conkeldurr 31 SPD 24+ Adamant Guts
  16. In my country, It is 06:25.
  17. Hi everyone, Time up today at 02:22 PM (First bid date). That's means 8 hours left. B.O 600k by Rarehunt1 Good luck, Dragokraz
  18. @Hawluchaa Still no news of my buyer for 500k and I already sent him a message on forum.
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