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Everything posted by Dragokraz

  1. Start offer 1m8 for porygon2, after start there is 3 days auction, so i don't accept any low offer under 1m8.
  2. EDIT : Look first post for to see all pokemon available.
  3. Sassy Bronzong start : 700k Min bid 100k Auction end in 3 days after first bid. Relaxed Bronzong : 800k Min bid 100k Auction end in 3 days after first bid. Granbull : 600k Mind bid 100k Auction end in 3 days after first bid. Item is not include in the price and there are not for sell. Moveset is ready for a trick room team or if you don't play trick room you can just use Bronzong for set up Reflect and Light Screen / Stealth Rock and Explosion. Feel free to bid in game or here. Good luck.
  4. SOLD
  5. Thank you Hawluchaa and i am sorry because i didn't know this rule, we can add insta at the end but not change the insta, i confused this 2 rules. Have a nice day too, Auction is done, Gliscor is sold for 650k to Dawnbr3aker Thank you all, Dragokraz
  6. 2 days left before the end of the auction.
  7. Thank you for your bid, the auction will continue 3 days after the first bid. So the auction end the 8th October at 07:00 (France Time Zone).
  8. Bump
  9. SOLD
  10. SOLD
  11. Start bid : 150 k Increase bid : 50k Auction will end the 17th September at 10:00 (France time) If the final price does not suit me, i am reserve the right to cancel the auction.
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