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Posts posted by Anonywish

  1. ..to finally introduce myself!


    Why hello there handsome stranger, I'm Nick :Smile:! I originally found PRO through social media and tried it out then later down the road (not too long ago) with my best friend of over a decade. We both grew up in the early Pokemon era and have since taken a liking to this online community. I mention him because, well, he is pretty much my only friend within this community - so I am here to possibly make more! Woo!


    A little background on me is that I thoroughly enjoy a good Netflix series with a can of dr. pepper and some harvest cheddar sunchips. My free time and finances mainly goes towards videogames of all types and I'm hoping that can continue for another twenty-four years. Currently I am recently unemployed and I am in a much better place because of it - actually! Life as a customer service manager really drains you after you've been doing it for so long. Haha. No school either now.. wew!


    Anyways, I will probly' write more later. Just wanted to start a-new here and reconcile for any mistakes of my previous adventure. Chances are you have seen me in-game, so feel free to say Hello and I will happily reply back!



  2. Something unique :). I like the color green and if it could match the default forum background too, that'd be neat! Maybe involve a shiny voltorb? Haha. Any font - AnonyWish I am more than capable to make one myself, but I'd like to see what you guys can do too.

  3. Shiny diglett and golbat lucky for 20k - maybe 15k at best for diglett. As for aipom, I don't see very many on the market - unless it's a shiny voltorb situation where they pop out from everywhere once you put one up.


    As for your scizor, it definitely depends here on the buyer. Some people go crazy for these if it's fully EV trained, the right nature and the hidden abilities - technician, I think? So because it's a scizor, if kanto, you could be looking anywhere between 75-250k, imho. Nothing I'd certainly pay for, though. Bellsprout, nothing really. Charizard, because he's the final evo of a starter that's already given a slight value - but still quite common being many first choices. If he's set up the same as-if Scizor is, 80-150k tops.



    Good luck selling and buying in this economy, too. People wanting to overprice by 1M and buy everything for 1K. Quite sad.

  4. Eh, yeah, I actually changed my mind and did go ahead and buy it. Haha. Probly' gunna' go all out and buy a gosh dang super rod, as well. My only question now is, when I go back to the Cave, the Guard still says I need permission from a Dragon Master somewhere in Johto? Wut. I just spent 200K to gain that permission - didn't I? What do I need to do now?


    I have slightly under 150 for the next reward from the prize NPC but I did claim the everstone. Who do I talk to next, if not him?

  5. I am sure that I am not the first person with this question, but I am quite aggravated and would appreciate a direct answer as I have spent countless hours and pokedollars trying to build the perfect team to wipe out the gosh dang (pardon my italian) Kanto elite four - including whoever is the leader; Jackson?


    Just so I don't spend another 100 hours of in-game time getting nowhere, what is best pokemon, levels, moves, strategy, to beat the E4? Please do not link me to a guide. Use your own reply, if you truly want to help. Chances are, I have seen it anyways.

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