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  1. The idea itself is really great, but I see a big problem for that. many players gonna abuse this with logging out on purpose and trying to win the BCC to get always the best record every day... I would recommend to stay things like they are in the PVE section, except for LegendaryPokemon. Otherwise there are way too many abuse tricks possible with relog and stuff like that just to Win at BCC or a boss. 25k isn't much to be honest, you getting 250 poke dollars per fight at cerulean cave on average. per minute you can do somewhat like 6 fights meaning you do 1,5k in one minute, with that said you would do more money in 20 minutes by just winning wild fights compared to doing a 20 min bug catching which isn't a safe way of always winning 25k...
  2. Hello everybody and Staff-members, at first I wasn't sure where to post this thread and I hope it won't get deleted if it is on wrong place, please put it into the correct folder then. I've been playing the game for a really long time since 2017 and of course with some big breaks between until new stuff got released in this game. (I have a new account right now in use for forums so don't be confused if you see joined mar 25 2020) The game itself had it's good and it's bad times and things continuously getting changed to keep players attracted and busy. So the reason why I write this post is that I fell like the game is developing into a wrong direction since a few months and Staff is (in my opinion) focusing on wrong things. Please keep in mind, I don't wanna blame the Staff with this thread and make them sound they are doing nothing, I know they are working hard and I really appreciate it, without this great work the game wouldn't be alive anymore. Anyways, time to come back to the real topic, the first thing I wanna mention is the situation about the Item recycler. This feature has been disabled since a long time and the only thing players know, there has been a issue with an abuse some players have done with this item recylcer causing it to be disabled. The bags of many players are getting overfilled with the items which normally are getting recycled and you still keeping secret from us what the abuse has been and telling us no ETA for the thing to be fixed. We are talking already about months and there haven't been an update from you about it. I really would appreciate it if this will be fixed within the next days or two weeks. If you guys don' find a solution for this just let us know and tell us what the abuse have been exactly, this will allow us to help you out maybe and find a solution together, maybe this is something where teamwork from STAFF and PLAYERS is being asked. The 2nd thing is something about upcoming game features, mounts, legendaries, etc. . You are promising us so many stuff coming up next but putting it into ETA. Best examples are the two new Regions and mega evolutions for players. Those are things which might attract a lot players and also bring back many players who have quit playing it. I know that those features are very very BIG projects and they need time and you don't want to get things broken in this game when they are coming out. I also keep in mind that Staff-members are separated in groups like artists, mappers etc. But why are you keeping so much focus on mounts? It feels like this is the only thing you really wanna bring out right now (Furret, S-Furret, Xmas-Furret, Bidoof etc.) do you really think we need so many mounts right now? It looks like you are trying to keep us attracted but with the wrong stuff. I highly recommend teasering new features or planned stuff. For example I would recommend doing a small clip or a screen of some parts of mapps from the new regions or events which are coming up. With that you will show us that things are going on. So far we have only seen words about the Regions or events but no proofs of some progress of that we literally don't know if you completed 1% or 99% of those features. Information is very important and a source of keeping players and attract new ones. The last thing I wanna mention and this was for me the reason to finally write this thread. The boss changes right now. Allowing us to do only 20 bosses every 7 days which will be in summarize 80 bosses in one month. Just a comparison: 80 bosses in one month compared to 47 bosses every 12 days. Yes of course it takes its time to beat all of them, but it is not a must for everybody to do them every 12 days just because it is a crucial way of farming Pokedollars, items and some Pokemon rewards. For me bosses haven't felt like a chore, that is a feature for players who don't wanna play PVP and are more into PVE. With this change I think you gonna make the game really a Pay to win game now, cause you cut the way of getting poke dollars with that. Instead you animate us to buy coin capsules and sell them to players who are having poke dollars and wanna buy something from Coinshop like Xp-boosts, BMS, membership to double the money gains, Tools etc. I did some test runs with bosses and can say for sure, you nerfed bosses quite hard for all players. We are getting less money and less PVE-coins now. Let us do some easy calculations: Old system: 47 bosses times 2.5 (sometimes 2 times or 3 times a boss run doable in one month) times 4 (PVE-coin gains on hard mode) = 470 PVE-Coins in one month. New System: 20 bosses per week with 5 pve coin gain on hard mode and you can do 20 bosses 4 times a month. 20x5x4=400 PVE-Coins per month. So you clearly nerfed our PVE-Coin gains and also our money gains with that change.. not only that you also destroyed time-schedules the players already have for their boss runs.. now new ones must be set up and they are even worse than old ones and force players to play on more days in a month. Please keep in mind that this game can be played in different styles, you always can decide between PVP and PVE. You can decide to play economically or just ignore everything and play only the story and quit or just PVP there are so many options or any combination of that, don't take our freedom and animate us to play PVP only. To summarize it up: 1st I am mainly asking for more Informations from Staff, giving more PRECISE updates about things upcoming or getting fixed and don't talk in riddles! 2nd if no solutions to issues can be found ask us to help, 4 eyes see more than 2. 3rd reverse this boss change or keep it but make the rewards be at least the same amount of Pokedollars and PVE coins like before. (I made Tests with bosses) That's all from me and I hope this won't be closed or deleted I really like the game and your work but some things need to be changed. Players and Staff please write your opinions about it underneath. I wish you a good day and stay healthy! Greetings ganzlocker95
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