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Everything posted by Gal1leo

  1. S.o 300k Min raise 100k Insta 800k Auction will start when the s.o is met and will run for 24 hours. Accept CC 380k and Pokedollars
  2. S.o 400k Min raise 100k Insta 1m Auction will begin when the s.o is met and will last 24 hours. CC 380k and Pokedollars
  3. @Bijoumode wins contact me in-game or discord and so we can trade Gal1leo#0056
  4. Lizardoo wins the Abra + 15 min ext for Marill
  5. c.o 360k abra + 15 min extention triggered for Marill.
  6. @Lizardoo c.o is 290k for abra. + 15 minute extention has now been triggered for abra
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