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Everything posted by Gal1leo

  1. My apologies for the delayed response, if you're still interested PM either myself or #c0mp1845 on discord.
  2. Winner is @Kresx Tag me here or discord Gal1leo#0056.
  3. S.o: 200k Min raise: 10k No insta Auction will last 24 hours after the first bid.
  4. Hello @paok123 None of the Abra in my shop have HP Fire unfortunately. I'm online now if you want to arrange to meet to buy the Cutiefly.
  5. Hello @Jianychta Yes you can are you available to meet in game?
  6. @hoagluan58 The 500k Crawdaunt sold.
  7. Crawdaunt, marill and larvesta sold.
  8. Ok, im online now if you want to arrange to meet, you can PM me in game or here.
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