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Everything posted by Gal1leo

  1. Auctioning off this 20+ Jolly Metagross Starting offer: 400k Minimum raise: 100k No insta. Accepted payments: Coin Capsules (380k) Rerroll Ticket (680k) Pokedollars. Auction will begin when the starting offer is met and will run for 48 hours.
  2. Auctioning off my beloved Cradilicious. Starting offer: 500k Minimum raise: 100k No insta. Accepted payments: Coin Capsules (380k) Rerroll Ticket (680k) Pokedollars. Auction will begin when the starting offer is met and will run for 48 hours.
  3. S.o - 1m Min raise - 100k Insta - 3m Accepted payments - CC - 400k Reroll Ticket - 700k Pokedollars Auction will begin when the s.o is met and will last 48 hours. Good luck.
  4. Username: Gal1leo Server: Silver Timezone: GMT+1
  5. Wtb level balls Will pay 3k per ball but would rather buy them in a bulk if possible. Post below or contact me on Discord: Gal1leo#0056
  6. My apologies for the delayed response, if you're still interested PM either myself or #c0mp1845 on discord.
  7. Winner is @Kresx Tag me here or discord Gal1leo#0056.
  8. S.o: 200k Min raise: 10k No insta Auction will last 24 hours after the first bid.
  9. Hello @paok123 None of the Abra in my shop have HP Fire unfortunately. I'm online now if you want to arrange to meet to buy the Cutiefly.
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