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Everything posted by Gal1leo

  1. @Shimulll wins
  2. c.o 1.5m
  3. c.o 1.3m
  4. c.o 700k by wesucks already @Tendth123
  5. bump
  6. c.o 600k
  7. s.o 500k min raise 100k no insta auction will last 24 hours after the s.o is met.
  8. c.o 600k
  9. trade complete, 200k goes to @Legitly for transferring the shroomish from gold to silver as agreed.
  10. s.o 500k min raise 100k insta 2.5m auction will start when the s.o is met and will last 24 hours.
  11. insta met, my friend will bring it go silver @Hudaimas
  12. @St0rmblessed master100 started before you
  13. @Sonu117g im staying on gold since its not a cross server auction
  14. s.o 100k min raise 20k insta 600k auction will start when the s.o is met and will last 5 hours.
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