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  1. @Jackstermac let me know when you're on so that I can give you the clef. You're the auction winner.
  2. 22 more hours for clef remaining
  3. Hello below are the pokemon for sale, please reply to this thread by commenting which pokemon you want to buy/ bid on. Starting offer: 500k, Minimum bid: 50k, Insta: n/a, Duration: 48 hours from the first bid for each mon bidded. Payment(s) Accepted: Just regular money, CC 450k, Reroll 500k, Nature reroll 250k. Ingame username: UltraRadiant Discord: Jaw Surgery Lover
  4. i am online rn vermilion city gold server
  5. hey! I am interested to buy your rotom however i can only afford upto 2.1m. If you like my offer hit me up. Shallot ultra instinct#1441. ign- UltraRadiant
  6. Want to buy an epic rotom all IVs except for attack must be at least 22 and bold nature. My budget at the moment is 2m. My contact: ign: UltraRadiant discord: Shallot ultra instinct#1441
  7. hello I buy your gible. Please reach me out. You can reach me out in discord: Shallot ultra instinct#1441 My ingame name is: UltraRadiant
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