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  1. Accidentally it leveled up from level 8 to 9. It's Riolu's repel spawn. I'm asking for delevel from 9 to 8.
  2. Can soul-bound rerolls be used for this? from dungeons or Golden & Blue Chests? Can anyone confirm or deny it ?
  3. IF i for example buy 60 days Membership and then do Boss Battle with BattleBot and i win 15 days extend to Membership. Does it count like its 75 days form there? or just 60 is the limit? Also question about Safari. If u win 1day pass from Bug Catching Contest Weekly Online or Fishing or even Eumi Tokens or whatever else is if u have 2 slots full (Safari Maniac at the entrance to Safari or someone else i don't remember), then rest is saved or they are going to waste?
  4. Hello. I just wants to know rewards from PvP obtained from Psychic Ramona. We can't just see it anywhere so maybe anyone can help? After some seasons i forget to get them (just talk to her lol xd ). Also it would be easier for players if they were obtainable automatically after matches in PvP like in other Pokemon MMOs. And there is stuff like 5 wins every week, rewards for rating and rewards for wins (100, 200, 300?). Please can someone explain?
  5. another really cool reward would be to change nature on normal Pokemons also. But i guess for it to work should be: 1. only 1 time reward - so if u get this (should be 5% or less from that golden pvp box or whatever) you won't be able to get this ever again so should be pretty hard to get but not insane grinding 2. it would encourage more players to play PvP and be more different, changing nature on 1 not-legendary Pokemon for each player is not that bad for market and PRO. Only 1 cause I think more would be bad if some players are Pretty Good and they would change many mons
  6. I think new Tier in PvP should be introduced, where for example top50 used Pokemons in last season's PvP would be banned. That is why a lot of Pokemons would see some usage like: Drapion, Cobalion, Virizion, Terrakion, Hawlucha, Absol or whatever. Rewards as in normal PvP. As far as i know in PokeMMo there is something like this, also in PokeNexus there are 3 Tiers in Clan Wars (check if u want what are Clan Wars). Idk if for example if 1 Pokemon with 2 abilities should be counted as 2 Pokemons or 1 (Magic Guard - Unaware for example). I think this is great idea for this game to be much better than is already and gen 9 is coming so, waiting for you answers xd
  7. I think Mega Sableye can be destroyed by Choice item Pokemon I mean Band or Specs. Keldeo do huge damage for example. But i agree, should be banned, not healthy for meta.
  8. Vexdark, i don't use banded Scizor hahahah ! lol and how skill issue if i laddered last 3 seasons on Gold server, you can check this. Also i think you didn't laddered in that time so
  9. cyanirl you posted my old team i don't ladder with it anymore, i'm sure i have beaten you with my new but you didn't post it also yeah, i agree with you all but you all have to say that many great counters to Clefable are banned. Gunk Shot Greninja or Flash Cannon Aegislash would be massive help. Without Pokes like this people think Clefable is god mon when in the reality it's not.
  10. and we should also discuss Mega Sableye - you can't kill it. Can spam Will-o-wisp and just recover, also protect, knock off. Unbanned for 3 or 4 seasons now. So why only Hyper Offensive Pokemons are banned? Not Even 1 stall? It's not fair.
  11. not use without calm mind? i don't agree, still can wish + protect bro and flamethrower, stealth rock whatever. you all want calm mind to have more easier battles & wins...
  12. 1. On Gold server cause i don't know about Silver there is usually 350 more or less players online on average, sometimes 200+, sometimes 400+ or even 500+ Bad thing is when you try to play normal pvp you sometimes encounter same players over and over again even tho there is an option to "avoid last opponent". I have thought about that and there should be added option to play 1 player 2 times or max 3 a day (24 hours, can be counted like Bug Catching Contest), cause at the end of the day it's not fair when at the end of the season someone farmed points and pvp coins on weaker players or players with weaker team than them cause some people use only 1 team. And others don't have time to play and can't do things like that. So adding this option would balance PvP more like in real time sports (for example football), when you have to play everyone not someone couple of times. 2. I'm sorry but Unaware Clefable is broken: - they have evs in def and hp making this poke bulky - only steel and poison can hit them suppereffectively - leftovers regeneration usually with protect can recover them to 100% and all players are spamming that with wish - with calm mind they can kill many pokes with Moonblast and effect is Clefable with boosted Defense and Hit Points + Special Attack and Special Defense, cause Speed and Attack on this poke doesn't matter - also Clefable has Flamethrower for Scizor or other steel types so... Problem is many players are exploiting this and in PvP they spam Wish+Protect even 10 or more turns in a row to be safe regenerating hp to 100%. Everyone can do that, even the worst players, and as a result PvP is boring and more rng than skill based. I think Unaware Clefable would be ok but not with Calm Mind come on. It's too much. I know there are banned Pokemons like Aegislash, Greninja, Blaziken, Mega Lucario - but how is Clefable with Unaware not even discussed tbh? I think Meta would be more healthy with some changes. Also full gen 7 introduced would help and i know Terrakion, Virizion, Coballion were added but no one really are using them, Cause people prefer that Unaware Clefable Pokemon. It's really disgusting.
  13. I need to ask. I have 2 at the moment but i heard it's not allowed and can result in a punishment or a ban. I need to report that or i just need to lose some rating on whatever account ? Gold server.
  14. I would like to ask why Summer Event was only maybe 38 days length. It was launched 11th August till 18th September if i'm not mistaken. Summer should be way longer also starting probably in June like in 2022 (or it was in July ?). Also what is the purpose to hunt event forms if they can't be rerrolled, the way this is now event form are only sellable for huge money and not usable. Would be nice to have them in PvP for example. In Pokemon Planet shinys have guaranteed min. 20 points in each 6 IVs stats.
  15. I'm using Windows and tried to download 64 bit version. I will try 32.
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