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Everything posted by Leeluckya

  1. now can trade. when have time you
  2. you want buy summer abra x3? because shop dont have hlw abra
  3. if you here silver i can lend you some mons help you ,^ ^
  4. start 100k min bid 10k insta 1.5m left 24h after first bid
  5. start 50k (bundle auction) end 24 hours after the 1st bid min bid 50k insta no accept cc 400k ivrr 500k
  6. now dye mons dont can trade and dont can lend , i like dye mons and i want lend them for my friend or other new player ( frisk furret or poison heal breoom and other strong mons) them look very nice , dont want them only be collect in box so i want can lend dye pokemons , let them also just arrive happy
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