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Everything posted by Leeluckya

  1. 今日活动 Today's event 由 Mingrenpro 大佬赞助 Sponsored by mingrenpro 活动内容 看个体值 猜精灵 Guess the name based on the attributes of the activity content 参赛人员 所有群友 Participants Group members 第一题奖励300K 第二题奖励250K Reward content 300k and 250k 答案分别是 忍蛙和 菲奥娜 answer greninja phione 获奖人员miniol 和ma1412814693 Winners miniol and ma1412814693
  2. potu won Guild Activities , it larvesta Competition second 。 but in my Group members , he is frist , Although he is not a member of our union ,But he's in our group , so he won 。 He chose the prize gengar
  3. We welcome friends from all countries ,If you join the group, you can participate in this activity ,This is a Chinese social software, Tencent QQ ,We welcome you very much ^ ^ By the way, there are thousands of messages discussing games in our group every day 如果你进群的话 你可以参加这些活动 ^ ^ 我们不排斥其他国家的朋友,我们热衷于聊天,探讨游戏内容,并且分享自己的经验, 遗憾的是这是我们中国的社交软件 ,所以有些外国朋友并不了解, 我们的群号是 713590714 ,这是腾讯QQ
  4. yes sry Guild Activities only Participants ( my guild and Group members)we group members have 240 people now ^ ^
  5. Tonight from 18:00 to 19:00 (china time) Fishing or insect catching competitions First place within the guild Reward Mon within 1m in my store, choose one of your like Participants ( my guild and Group members)
  6. Guild Activities The guild will have some internal activities in the future Participants ( my guild and Group members) Hereby recorded
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