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Everything posted by Diabo123

  1. This idea is not bad but can be improved imho. I've been leaving the game more than once because I feel like wasting my time everytime I've to trade something. Maybe a better idea would be make a global database where all players can add sellable pokemon. Every row of this table has a pokemon, with stats, moves, ivs, nature, price and name of the seller. You can add comments to pokemon that are in this table, for negotiation. Every time someone comments a pokemon that you are selling you'll get a notification. And now as the buyer the coolest thing, a system that makes you enter the pokemon name and some minimum characteristic (ivs, lvl, ect) and the system looks automaticaly for pokemons that soddisfy those things and are in the selling table. Of course, all trades will still be done at pokecenter face 2 face, but this system will make everything easier But maybe its late to change this, who knows.... Lets hope
  2. +1, it would make pvps less luck-based. For example, if you know ur opponent has a volcarona you will try to keep up your rocks as more as possible and that task will have a higher priority than usual.
  3. I felt the same way about ha pokemons in general, it seems like there is a item which gives you extra 20% to find an ha pokemon (before it was 5% or maybe less) and that makes the price lower ofc. Not sure why you would implement such item after 2 years from the start, that changes everything.
  4. When I change map, I often see people moving like that accross the whole map, they ain't bots it's just a graphic bug due to lags, it happens Diagonal move + same move at the same moment+ no reply to pm. They got banned for botting ! why u continu to try to defend them ? omg Actually I get his reasons. He is not defending the botters in the video , but just there is a 1% of possibility that they were not botting. You can't condemn someone unless you are 100% sure. I can prove you are a botter, is easy. I can ask to a friend and ask him to "copy your movements", and there is how I can get a good video to prove you're a botter when you are not. I'm not saying that you did this, but someone with bad intentions might does.
  5. Capture the wobbuffet, its shadow tag and maybe a good one xD
  6. Yesterday I've catched 60 magnemite with magnet pull, do you have any clue of how much time you need for inputting 360 ivs in a calculator? maybe 30 minutes? But ye , you can keep do it mate. Just an alternative way ^^ From: https://www.psypokes.com/dex/hp.php Just a little tip, you should read the whole thing next time before you close the page :) That chart is from the bottom of that page :) Reading the chart: Hp - odd, Attack - even, Def - odd, Spd - even, Sp Attck - even, Sp Def - odd That is the iv spread you need to get hp fire. The # of ivs don't matter, it just matters if they are even or odd and in the correct pattern. You are actually wrong. That's only the best hp fire you can get in game (and the oddity of it). But there are 3 more combinations that give you HP fire. Please think twice before saying things like that. For make you understand better, Hp - odd, Attack - odd, Def - even, Spd - even, Sp Attck - even, Sp Def - odd gives you HP fire, try it on your stupid calculator ^^
  7. Yesterday I've catched 60 magnemite with magnet pull, do you have any clue of how much time you need for inputting 360 ivs in a calculator? maybe 30 minutes? But ye , you can keep do it mate. Just an alternative way ^^
  8. So, i've been bored about people who are spamming wrong hp fire pokemons, that might leads to a involuntary scam. In order to prevent this, i'll explain the easiest way I found for quickly noticing if the pokemon ivs are for a HP fire or not. YES I HAVE NOTHING BETTER TO DO IN MY LIFE :Ambivalent: I'll put there the calculus behind all this in spoiler, you can skip them and go to the final result. You have only to check those things Hp: X (any is ok) Attack+Def= odd (12+13 is ok, 12+15 is ok , 15+15 is NOT ok) Speed = even (for example 2,4,6,8, ..30 are ok) Sp.atk = even (for example 2,4,6,8, ..30 are ok) Sp.def = odd (for example 1,3,5,17, ..31 are ok) I'll may add up some examples with screenshots if they are needed
  9. Re: CHRONOS Recruiting 17+! (Red Server) Updated!! <t>1. Tell us about yourself! <br/> Yo, my name is Alex and I do play pokemon since I bought my first gameboy color.<br/> In my free time, expect playing online games, I usually play chess or watch anime/films, or go out with my gf(she's not nerdy like me :x) <br/> <br/> 2. What is your nickname in PRO? What server you're playing at?<br/> My IGN is Diabo123, I do play in the Red server<br/> <br/> 3. How many hours of game play do you have (check your trainer card)? How many badges do you have?<br/> I've played 950 hours and I've got 24 badges<br/> <br/> 4. How old are you? Where do you come from? <br/> I'm 23 and I'm from Italy<br/> <br/> 5. What is your ambition/ final objective in PRO? <br/> PRO is a MMORPG, so there is not a final objective. I dont care about collectioning pokemons/shinies, but I really enjoy pvps (I'm kinda expert in showdown, peaked 1800 in oras OU). So I'm gonna try my best there ^^<br/> <br/> 6. Why should we accept you into the Guild?<br/> I'm friendly and I'd love to meet new people who has my same interests. I have no problems with helping members who needs something. We'll have fun together for sure :)<br/> <br/> 7. Have you in the guild before or maybe you in the guild right now? and tell us the reason that you left.<br/> I've never been in any guild. I started to play PRO for fun with some real life friends. They left, and playing alone is kinda boring ^^<br/> <br/> 8. What is your favorite Pokemon? Why?<br/> I don't think I have any, everyone has his own flaws. Maybe ditto hasn't x)<br/> <br/> 9. Are you able to visit our Discord Group? <br/> Yep<br/> <br/> 10. Are you able to follow PRO Rules and Guild Rules?<br/> Yep</t>
  10. Re: Jaccard1 PvP Insta Shop [New Added 14/12] <t>I'll insta the tangrowth for 1,4m</t>
  11. Ok my bad then, idk
  12. You can catch tyrogue, and then evolve it ( 90% sure it works, never tried)
  13. Yo i've no time to read 20 pages and I'm not sure if someone already brought that up. ( I'm not even sure albums are gonna be hidden) Hiding the teams is a good thing, but your opponent can easily gather informations hiself about your team, by asking to the opponents that you have already fought. I know you can rotate your team, but after 2/3 fights he can get a really good idea about which kind of team you'll set up in your next game with him. Considering this scenario, I'd prefer that album teams of everyone could be "public". This way none could be disadvantaged by the thing that i've mentioned above. Ofc this will ruin every "suprises" pokemon you might have prepared, but I guess its worth anyway. EDIT: or at the least, maybe the written list of pokemons he'll use. For example diabo123 : 1) Blastoise 2) Talonflame ect. So people can still use weird strategy
  14. I'll take the ferrothorn mate EDIT: noticed only now that you have 2 ferrothorns, I mean the one at 1,8m
  15. Diabo123

    1st time team

    As someone already said you need to use spore as breelom, if you dont use spore machamp/conkeldurr/heracross are more useful. On the tyranitar you should use superpower instead of eartquake, for hitting other pokemons such as tyranitar, chansey, ferrothorn,snorlax ect. Ice fang can work vs garchomp/dragonite and pursuit vs gengar/alakazam/low hp pokemons. I guess that's a draw choice and you should pick whatever you prefer. You should use a relaxed nature to seismatoad, so knock off has more damage. And why skarmory bold instead of impish? The team overal is well build, I think. Maybe you need at very least a priority move since your team is slow EDIT: rock tomb on breelom is NOT a must, vs talon you just swap to tyranitar and you are fine.
  16. Actually a common xmas appears once over 4000 pokemons you encounter (assuming you have 25% to encounter a common pokemon). A clone has 5% of being clone and you have 0,5% to encounter an extreme rare pokemon, it is still one over 4000. Of course eevee, for example, is kinda uncatchable
  17. The definition "epic pokemon" has no meaning outside this game, people are used to call "epic pokemon" a decent one. That's maybe a bad habit, but your "epic" definition and their are either good. But I know your feelings , its pretty annoying when the sellers clickbait you so hard ^^
  18. Swablu aren't extremely rare. They are actually pretty easy to find. Yeye I meant. After encountering 400 swablu, you have 32,98% that at the least one of them was a event one. I didn't mention the rarity of the pokemon encounter.
  19. You have all month to find it. My goal is to get 20 swablu's per day. So I'm gonna get about 400 of them. That way I have a 40% chance of getting one. Still bad odds but that is the point of making them rare. Not everyone can get them. It is a challenge but you will be one of the only ones in the game to have one in the end if you do find one. Just for make you happier, your calculus are wrong. The % of getting an event one after 400 tries are (1-(999/1000)^400)*100 = 32,98 % ( I'm assuming you meet 1 event every 1000 normal)
  20. Re: Diabo123's Shop | Insta only <t>Bumpp</t>
  21. Re: Materiano Shop [ VERY EPIC PVP HIPPOWDON ] PVP,Epics and Goods... <t>3,3m hippo</t>
  22. Re: Materiano Shop [ VERY EPIC PVP HIPPOWDON ] PVP,Epics and Goods... <t>I start the hippo's auction with 3m</t>
  23. Joining date 1 december, you must be the banned one lol
  24. Re: Diabo123's Shop | Insta only <r><QUOTE author="Destro16"><s> </e></QUOTE><QUOTE author="Ronny321"><s> </e></QUOTE> Sure, let me know when you are online and can trade</r>
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