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  1. Server: Silver IGN: andreloisis Description: After talking with alakazam appears "an unexpected error has ocurred. Please report this problem to the staff team"
  2. It worked!!! Thank you so much!
  3. Hello, I tried again but same result. Here is a video, I still have the Red Orb. The link of video: Help me, please
  4. Hello, I tried again, but unable to complete the quest. Here are some screenshots Thank you
  5. Hello. I have the same problem, here is the bug I created: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/152618-url Help mee please!
  6. Hello, I've been playing for a while, now after beating all trainer in Mt. Pyre in Hoenn, I went to the Team Magma Hideout in Jagged Pass, then there I beat every single member of the team included the leader, and in the scene when Jackson steals the red orb I lost the internet connection. Well, I logged in again, and there were no Jackson, nor the Team Magma Leader (the one with the Mega Camerupt). Then I though "ok mission completed", I left the cave going south, and went again to Lilycove City. But the officer is still in the cave saying that "Team Magma must be defeated" I attached some pictures about this. Please help me, I'm stucked. I've already talked with the elders in Mt. Pyre, went twice into the Team Magma Hideout (I can still enter even though the guide says after completing it, one cannot enter again). My friend @cpinan was helping me. Here is the link with the pictures: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1cKI77Jn724UMRNOlmNtM39mHndaTw2bV?usp=sharing Thank you.
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