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Everything posted by Gamiverse

  1. I like this idea. :y: Details should be discussed if it would actually get implemented.
  2. Well there is already a solution for this: Gingery Jones Boss, spawns the pokemon (reward) behind you after defeating him. So this would be an option.
  3. Honestly I'm quiet happy about this change already. I tried for months to get a larvesta / froakie (well I finally got a froakie 2 weeks ago) so this is definitely an upgrade! :y:
  4. Hey Nathan, I have to say that you have to differentiate between only one member of staff leaving for private reasons and a large amount leaving at once. I mean its kinda unrealistic that all of them suddenly had some privat stuff coming up. At the same day. Which means: There is another reason behind this. And obviously so many ppl would NOT leave staff because a minor thing happened. Again.. I guess you could conclude that it has MOST LIKELY to do sth with Shane. And since he is the only one able to work on the code (excluding "Scripting for PRO") this could be also critical for players depending on the reason why they left. So yea I would love to know if something happened which might affect us and if its still worth to put real money in the game. As an example: If they all left cuz Shane wasnt devolping anymore on this (like the 6 weeks..uhm i mean 1-2 weeks absense) it wouldn't be worth it anymore. Well.. TLDR: I DO think that users should get told whats going on. Since its their/our money running the servers and its obviously NOT just a single member dropping out because of privacy reasons. Well..these are just my 2cents on this topic. BR Gami
  5. Hey everyone, I would love to bump that up again. And I wanna add: It would be nice if (especially Pancham) could be evolved anytime soon. I think noone would really care to much if it was just a normal standard evolution, starting at lvl 32. https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Pancham_(Pok%C3%A9mon) (Here is the bulba link of pancham, inlcuding a description how it should evolve in the "normal" games). This should be a fairly easy fix. I'm especially asking for this one, since I'm carrying a epic pancham around (fully ev - trained and lvl 96) for months. Thank you for your efforts. BR Gami
  6. Easiest way to make all three servers great again: - Fix bugged moves - Fix bugged items - Fix bugged evolutions - Include PvP-Tiers - Get content on point /punctual. Sadly the improvement hasn't been that great during the last few months (compared to earlier stages of the game). You can see this by simply looking at the changes were made and how frequently this happened. This seems to have caused a lot of player losing the interest in game. Having said this, I also see the problems with achieving this: There is only one main programmer (namely Shane) who seems very protective about his code, which is quiet understandable. But only having one instead of atleast two people programming (and interacting with the database) slows down the improvement a lot. Also everyone working on this project does this as a hooby and NOT as a job (i just wanted to highlight this). So the amount of time staff can put in this game is very limited (since they prob have other hobbies, jobs, university...). And on top of that, the amount of staff member (in critical aspects of the game) decreased lately due to some (known) "issues". So yes: It will be kinda hard without improving the above, to reanimate old players, to keep current players at the game and gaining new ones as well. So the best bet currently would be: Start a charakter on a more populated servers. Yes you would lose all the progress by doing this. Sadly. Just my 2 cents.
  7. Re: Catch Celebi - The Chrono Traveler [Celebi Quest Part 1+2+3+Final)] <t>Hey Sabo, <br/> <br/> have you tried going back to the guy in the alph ruins? <br/> - In case you already have the required item: Just go to celebis shrine at midnight (iirc).<br/> <br/> BR<br/> Gami</t>
  8. he is asking for a restart because he can't log in, common bug just check the forum, almost every hour one of these posts comes up Well observed : "Common bug" and "asking for a restart". So wouldn't it be a great idea to restart the server every time someone encounters it. Btw I posted in one of those the "solution" and further help. Go and check it out =)
  9. English isn't the main language of many players If it only was the language and not the content.
  10. Yes..the notifier seems to remain no matter what you do.
  11. Hey Heycavalier, I had the same problem. After deleting plenty of ppl from my friendlist the problem was non existent anymore. Even newly added people appear correctly after loggin in / out. My conclusion: There must be a maximum for friends being showed by the list. You might be able to add more but the list ist not able to show them all. Also possible: There is a total maximum for friending (permanently). Which means: You can't add new ones after you hit that maximum, but adding won't show you an error message. .. Well thats atleast what I'm making of this. If you have plenty of ppl you dont interact anymore you could try doing that and posting your "result". (If it worked out or nah). BR Gami
  12. Hey everyone, I'm actually really proud of my nice Jolteon. On top of those above average stats (epic) it also has the Hidden Power Ice. :Heart: BR Gami Edit: I also quite like these two fellows:
  13. Hey HenryHV, there is also a 2nd option in case he doesn't have an escape rope: Try battling a Pokemon and log out/ ALT + F4 during the battle. (I would not recommend abusing this permanently since it actually would defeat the purpose of having escape rope.) I hope I could help you/your friend out. BR Gami
  14. Servii Islands 5 for me. (If you have acces to it)
  15. Hello everyone, while I agree what has been said by barney (TLDR: no dissapointment if no event was announced) I really have to say that it would still feel odd getting a halloween event 4-5 days (or even weeks) later. Nontheless i fully understand that the staff is working on this and try to get it running as soon as possible. Sometimes you can do only so much and your best is not good enough. So thank you at everyone working on this. Additionally i would like to know if it would be possible to get updated on this issue by any official member of staff. Updated in the sense of: state of testing (I'm not asking for any specific ETA) or sth like "We are still on it - will take some time". I would really appreciate this kind of information. Have a good day. BR Gami
  16. Hey Cribut, if you wanna make 100% sure that you havent been hacked and everything is alright: 1) Log into https://pokemonrevolution.net/dashboard/ 2) The check the IP of the last login on the respective server 3) Compare to your IP Hint: Make sure that you use the correct IP Adress. If you dont know your IP Adress (external ones), you can check it here : https://www.utrace.de/ or https://whatismyipaddress.com/ BR Gami Edit: I should also mention that there is a possibility that your IP also has changed since your last login (unlikely).
  17. Hey Miuccia, just to make sure: The item will be added to "Misc Items" (First Bag-Tab) not the last one. I also had trouble finding it at first..so it might got added. BR Gami
  18. Hey karcaroth, this seems intentional. It is very likely (actually I'm 100% sure) that the other ghost costumes (1-5) will be available during the event instead. (bot not 6-10) so that you can achieve half of them in mystery boxes and the other half during doing some event stuff. I hope this cleared things up a bit. BR Gami
  19. Hey Cribut, this also has happened to me. Seems like you are "stuck". Dont worry its most likely NOT an other person logged into your account (if you worry about theft). Unfortunately you have to wait until the next reboot or server down. BR Gami
  20. This might be cause the 1st evolution [spewpa] of it only has 2 instead of 3 abilities. But that is just a guess. Meaning: Both, Shield Dust and Compound Eyes will be Shed Skin for Spewpa, which then turns into Shield Dust again (leaving the possibility of compound eyes out). Source: https://www.smogon.com/dex/xy/pokemon/spewpa/
  21. Re: CHRONOS Recruiting 17+! (International Guild - Red Server) <t>Show Spoiler!<br/> 1. Tell us about yourself!<br/> - Name: Alex<br/> - Age: 23 <br/> - Nationality: German<br/> - Job: Student, doing my M.Sc. <br/> <br/> 2. What is your nickname in PRO? What server you're playing at? (Red/ Blue)<br/> - Red: Gamiverse<br/> <br/> 3. How many hours of game play do you have (check your trainer card)? How many badges do you have?<br/> - Houres Played: 603 Hours<br/> - Badges: Every single one.<br/> <br/> 4. How old are you? Where do you come from?<br/> Well..check 1 for that.<br/> <br/> 5. What is your ambition/ final objective in PRO? <br/> *copy pastes*:<br/> I wanna be the very best<br/> Like no one ever was<br/> To catch them is my real test<br/> To train them is my cause4<br/> <br/> I will travel across the land<br/> Searching far and wide<br/> Each Pokemon to understand<br/> The power that's inside<br/> <br/> 6. Why should we accept you into the Guild?<br/> Eh...thats a good question.<br/> <br/> 7. Have you in the guild before or maybe you in the guild right now? and tell us the reason that you left.<br/> Yes cuz i was inactive for quiet a while (University can be stressful)<br/> <br/> 8. What is your favorite Pokemon? Why?<br/> - Pokemon: Sylveon<br/> - Why: its cute as --<br/> <br/> 9. Are you able to visit our Discord Group?<br/> - I got the ability to do so - if you send me the corresponding link.<br/> <br/> 10. Are you able to follow PRO Rules and Guild Rules?<br/> - Of course not. (Well..that one was not true.. I'am).</t>
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