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  1. Re: $2,000,000 PokeDollar Give-Away for 1st PRO X-MAS! <r>Merry Christmas PRO! 338<br/> Happy Holidays everyone! <E>:y:</E> <E>:y:</E> <E>:y:</E></r>
  2. +1 for this. They should add a vs seeker to rebattle npc, to let players choose when to rebattle that npc and make the vs seeker can only be used to that certain npc after the rebattle time was refreshed just like the current one.
  3. Re: PRO PvP Tiers [2015-11-23] <t>this would be very helpful in the upcoming pvp system as a feature</t>
  4. Re: Death's Shop - Added 31 31 salamance jolly <t>360k on scyther 1</t>
  5. bump
  6. Skarmory commonly used as physical wall with a base of 140 defense Starmie often used a special sweeper
  7. I have a brave duskull if you're interested. You can visit my thread. Thanks
  8. bump!
  9. finally! :Crazy:
  10. Hi guys! Welcome to my Shop! I have some good pokes sitting on my storage and I'm willing to sell some of them. Rules : - I will start counting the b/o if im good with the offered price - I will call update if b/o and if b/o started, the range is about in 24hrs to 48 hrs or can be instant if im good with price - I can take off my pokemons - 1 MS = 150k if offered Duskull 1 Duskull 2 Phantump 1 Phantump 2 I'll be updating this tomorrow. Since I'm thinking of selling some of my high lvl pokes. Thanks for visiting my thread and I wish you found pokes that you like in my shop.
  11. hi can i join?
  12. Willing to sell this Whismur. Rules: Offer me prices here or in-game. Please don't ask how much and no insta price. In cases, that ms are offered. 1 MS = 110k. Thank you and just leave your bids here
  13. I'm in! :3
  14. +1 for this post. This would be very helpful
  15. For the Pokemon Lab 2 NPC. I think it's a Venonat for Tangela Also, in Johto: Violet City: Bellsprout for Onix Goldenrod: Biker near pokecenter. Drowzee for his Machop (holding Macho Brace) Ecruteak City: NPC above pokecenter(???) Haunter for his Xatu
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