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Everything posted by TRIN1TY

  1. 5 page of bump, no one buy bro why keep trying
  2. 250k weavile, 1m volcarona
  3. ok coming
  4. hi you win pm when online
  5. Hello i have pickaxe item and rock smash pokemon in my team but when i go in love island this is not enough, here rocks require happiness too i think is a general thing in every smashable rock but since i bought pickaxe in the shop i ask to remove this requirement for every rocks or just in love island. Make pickaxe item useful for every rock or what's the sense on buying it or i ask to remove happiness requirement for rock smash. Thank you.
  6. noted ty
  8. Up
  9. noted ty
  10. noted ty
  11. noted ty
  12. @Lacomus win 300k @Ryunaa win 400k accepted payment: pokedollars, cc 400k, rr iv 500k ign: TRIN1TY
  13. hello you win pm when we can meet i'm actually online if you want
  14. hello you win pm when we can meet i'm actually online if you want
  15. hello you win pm when we can meet i'm actually online if you want
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