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Everything posted by Tolgagt

  1. BUMP
  2. BUMP
  3. BUMP
  4. discord: TolgaGT#3305
  5. bump
  6. Thank you so much, I think I went to wrong place because of the guide.
  7. bump again
  8. I got the mountain and the sea gem and went to get the forest gem. I talked with old Sarah, gave her the metarials for her to make breloom costume and went into the forest maze. I talked with the stone and I followed the guide but when I went to talk to the axe it didn't interact with me. I wanted to be sure I wasn't doing a mistake and I made sure that I interacted with the stone again with the breloom clothes on. I have told people that I cant interact to the axe and they said other people have the same issue. Can anybody tell me or at least confirm that this will be solved. I don't think it will be fair for me if I come this close and lose the quest because of a bug. Please don't ignore this and at least try help me with my issue.
  9. Bump
  10. Bump
  11. Bumpp
  12. I got my Darkrai last year and I removed the form because I didnt like it and I thought I could get the actual good pumkin skin this year but turns out I cant get my forms back. Please give me my form back I dont wanna be a casual.
  13. Im a long time player and I got darkrai the last halloween. I chamged the form back afterwarrds because I wanted the pumkin one. Is it still possible to get the pumkin skin? (I already did the quest last year)
  14. Bump
  15. we have a friendly guild named BrotherBand hit me up on dc TolgaGT
  16. I know you guys have no ETA but I have big plans about a huge lending service for about a year now and I just wanna know if they are working on it or is it canceled for a while becuz of megas
  17. Its nice that you still try to help people even you left. Hope they fix it soon
  18. guide is broken rn it writes TD etc for me and I cant see it properly help me lmao
  19. Bump
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