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Everything posted by Kayzo5

  1. Even if I give swords dance to my ninjask my shedinja still don't have it
  2. I saw that in all generation shedinja should be able to learn sword dance so I'm wondering why he can't on PRO.
  3. error
  4. error
  5. Sorry sold
  6. Can be use with : Bronzong @ Leftovers Ability: Levitate EVs: 252 HP / 72 Def / 184 SpD Careful Nature - Stealth Rock - Psywave - Toxic - Earthquake
  7. Hello, I'd like to be in your guild, I'm interested in pvp but I never did before, my discord is : Kayzo☆#0553 and this is my trainer card. As you can see I only have 115h but I only joined the game 14 days ago. I'm learning fast, I'd like to catch them all and help other players! (Ps: If I never have left Kanto yet it's because I wait my friend, I already have 5 Pokemon level 100 and I will catch mew soon)
  8. I beat surge gym, and made my way over to the diglett cave in route 2. I used cut and got there. I tried to go in the cave but theres a diglett blocking the way and it will not move. I have left and came back to the area numerous times, and I have even reset my client, but it is still there.
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