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About Unc3n

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  1. Good day to you! I am currently running 02 accounts in total, I've read overall rule, however I still met a confusion. In rule no. 08, it write: Fight Bosses on both servers with the same account. If you transferred, you will have to wait for the cooldown on the other server to end in order to rechallenge. So what if I do bosses on both my accounts and both server while I am not transferring server? Will them be counted as 04 accounts in total, which does not violate the rule each person have maximum of 04 accounts? Thank you in advance.
  2. Good day to you! As I mentioned at title, so sorry for wrong topic. However, I don't know where else I can raise this question anonymously. Currently I own 02 accounts, Unc3n and X1d. I want to ask if I can do bossing at both accounts and server? Which mean that I will do bossing with 04 profile in total? Looking forward for your kindly response. Thank you so much
  3. traded, auction end. ty guys
  4. Magic Guard Clefairy auction ended.
  5. Friend Guard Clefairy auction ended.
  6. 6:06 PM GMT +7 start
  7. Coin Capsule = 400k 24h from first bid, 15 minutes extra after each last call S.o 100k, min bid 20k, insta 2.5m S.o 100k, min bid 20k, insta 2m
  8. @vanglard the auction is ended, u are the winner, please pm me ingame or via discord unc3n#4802. Thank you
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