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  1. Start. Abra you've traveled a lot but now it's time to get home
  2. +1 because i dont do this quest and if we can ev our pokemons maybe i will do it
  3. kabolt won the auction
  4. This is the first offer so this is the start point of the auction
  5. Closed
  6. 2m1 ( my accounts Gcheik-Gcheik2 )
  7. you win the auction, pls pm me ingame: GCheik or discord: [Ò.Ó] GCheik #9416 O.O
  8. Bump and happy new year O.O
  9. Raised by: O.O
  10. S.O= 100k Min Raise= 100k Duration= 48 hours after first bid Insta= 2m Accept: CC= 420k, RR=750k, RC=7k O.O
  11. Canceled O.O
  12. Madara wins the auction: O.O
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