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About Weavile1234

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  1. chansey sold in game
  2. bump
  3. 600k
  4. i treid redownloading the cleint and it worked
  5. i have been playing pro since 3-4 months i have not been alerted by my antivirus even once. but suddenly when i treid to open the cleint this appeared
  6. this is why i think countdowns should be made mandatoy
  7. its not about simiply adding time from start point cause the bid always shows me differt time of a diiferent time zone this is a screenshot of a message i posted on monday during daytime but the time show is 5:12 am @Norex
  8. @Allsmellcan u come online so that we can trade?
  9. auction timings make a big fuss for the bidder as well as the seller as most of the time there is a conflict between the bidder and seller about whether the time is over or not. it also increases the work of mods as they have to come in and check whether the time is over or not. Making an online timer mandatory for all forum auction would help with this alot.
  10. ok thanks for clearing it out
  11. INSTA buy this.ign :vivaanrana
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