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  1. hello, I thought I took out the right magnemite when I was releasing the rest, but I accidentally released it together I don't have a ss of the mite w/ pkm ID, but it was the last one I caught, so it should be 62980098, I also added a ss of the preview is it possible to restore that one? tyy Edit: silver server
  2. If I sold the shells to the item maniac, can't I buy them separately or have them respawned again after payment? I tried again now and I can't sell the shoal salts so how could I have sold the shells then? Also, it will be my only way of getting a shell bell because everyone can apparently only craft 1 shell bell per account and I haven't seen any shell bells in trade yet.
  3. It could be, but I don't remember anymore. I have done some other noob stuff in my first months because I didn't know everything yet. This is one of the 4 spots where I should find a shell according to the forum and prowiki guide and in the other 3 spots, I also can't anything. There are also no spawns anywhere else in the same room.
  4. I already have 4 shoal salts, but 0 shoal shells and I also can't find them anywhere in high tide. I looked at all 4 spots where they should spawn, but they aren't there. I also talked to the hiker in the entrance and he keeps telling me I still lack 4 shoal shells. Where else can i craft a shell bell or can someone respawn the shells inside shoal cave for me?
  5. Hello, can you restore my dugtrio i accidentally released? silver server
  6. Can you restore my mamoswine? Wanted to release drilbur instead lv 100 + ev trained
  7. I accidentally released boldore (https://prnt.sc/108twcu), silver server. Can you restore it? tyy
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