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Everything posted by Coronatica

  1. oh sorry my bad, I thought it was under the 100k pokes
  2. buy porygon (trace bold, hp fire)
  3. I believe it had been 12 hours already since the auction has started
  4. I'm online now
  5. start second goomy
  6. Okay you got it, please message me when you're online
  7. Starting Offer: 1M Current Offer: 1M by Manell Minimum Bid: 100k Insta: 5M Modes of Payment: Pokedollars, cc (375k), rr (750k) 48 hours auction, starts after first offer IG Username: Coronatica Discord: Coro#4794
  8. 1m 50k for the 1st gible
  9. 115k for 1st scyther
  10. start 1st gible
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