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About Akumat

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  1. end GoldenP1kachu win
  2. S.o:1m Minbid: 100k Accept: cc 350k,Rr iv: 500k Ends 24 hours after first bid
  3. amazingly beautiful
  4. very nice and satisfied
  5. 300k
  6. end Laviter win
  7. Starting Price :1m Min Raise :100k Accepted Payment: Pokedollars, and Coin Capsules = 400k Time Duration :24Hours The Auction will begin after the Starting Price is met.
  8. end Madcarthos win
  9. Starting Price :1m Min Raise :100k Insta : 5m Accepted Payment: Pokedollars, and Coin Capsules = 400k Time Duration :24Hours The Auction will begin after the Starting Price is met.
  10. 650k
  11. Bluerise22 win
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