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  1. Auction Is Over @Sebiton with 1.6m
  2. C.o.: 1.6m by Sebiton End point: 48 hours (after start price is met) Insta price: N/A Minimum raise: 100k Accepted payments: Pokedollars, coin capsules (x1 coin capsule = 480k), IV reroll tickets (x1 IV reroll ticket = 500k) Contact: IGN: Shokii Discord: Trauerfest Timer: https://webuhr.de/timer/#countdown=48:00:00&date=2025-02-11T22:19:07&sound=xylophone&loop=1
  3. IGN: Shokii Discord ID: Free Nationality: German Expectations joining us: / What are you looking for in our guild: To have some Guild mates to sit in a call or a chat and enjoy the Game together. Favorite Pokemon: Shuckle. Why should we consider recruiting you? New people always bring a new and fresh wind into the Guild which in my opinion is good. Other than the fresh wind aspect I would say I'm a calm guy who will listen and help if needed. PvE, PvP, or both? Let us know what you like: After getting a Boss Team PvE was too easy, I now want to focus on the PvP aspect of the Game. Enter your Trainer Card with a screenshot:
  4. 1. In-game Information: - Character Name: Trauerfest - How many Regions unlocked: all of them even astrella( Jinzoo sad I sjould keep the astrella part o/ ) - Favourite Pokemon: Shuckle 2. Gaming Experience: - How long have you been playing this game: close to 800h - Previous guilds (if any) and reasons for leaving: yes but idk the name of thoese guilds - Experience with dungeons, boss runs, hunting, events and PvP: hunting 3. Availability: - Country & Time Zone: Germany - Typical play schedule(days and hours): could be every day depends on my freetime - Any specific days or times of the year you cannot play at all: Birthdays and Fam. days but i would info befor something of that would happen 4. Communication: - Do you have a microphone and are you willing to use voice chat? Yes Do you have Discord? If not, would you download it to interact with your Guild? Yes - Discord name: trerufest 5. Gaming Goals: - What are your short-term and long-term goals in the game? haveing fun at the Game - What do you enjoy most about the game? shinys and event forms 6. Guild Interaction: - Are you applying for Nemesis or Nemesis Babes? Nemesis - What motivated you to apply to our guild specifically? Jinzooooo - How do you envision contributing to the guild's goals and atmosphere? trough good and friendly communication 7. Additional Information: - Any other gaming-related skills or interests (e.g., streaming, content creation): FPS Games - Anything else you would like us to know about you: I get many Friend request on steam for my CS2 inventory - Favourite Colour: White 8. Code of Conduct Agreement: - Confirm that you have read and agreed to abide the guild's code of conduct and rules. I confirm
  5. IG-Gold: Trauerfest
  6. IG: Trauerfest
  7. Okay im on, in like 3h or so
  8. Gz you have won the auction. Contect me in Game or in the Forum for the Trade IGN: Trauerfest
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