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Everything posted by Calsado

  1. Username: Calsado Server: Silver Country/Timezone: Peru/GMT -5
  2. Congratulations, you won the auction for the Adamant Pancham, What time you can connect in-game. Right now I'm connected to the silver server my name is Calsado
  3. The auction of the Adamant Pancham -Started : 18/07/2024 : 04:50pm -Ends : 20/07/2024 : 04:50pm
  4. Payment Methods Coin capsule = 380k | IV Reroll Ticket = 530k | Pokedollar PANCHAM 𝗦𝗧𝗔𝗥𝗧 : 250K MIN BID: 50K AUCTION TIME : 48 hours after first bid PANCHAM 𝗦𝗧𝗔𝗥𝗧 : 250K MIN BID: 50K AUCTION TIME : 48 hours after first bid
  5. 2m 100k noivern
  6. right now I'm active in the game
  7. congratulations on winning, what time do you connect to give you the pokemon
  8. Payment Methods Coin capsule = 380k | IV Reroll Ticket = 530k | Pokedollar LARVESTA 𝗦𝗧𝗔𝗥𝗧 : 50K MIN BID: 20K AUCTION TIME : 24 hours after first bid
  9. I'm sorry friend, I just reported this to a moderator, if he tells me that you won I will try to give you the pokemon I'm sorry again
  10. I think I'd better call a moderator to see how we solve this and I'm sorry again.
  11. The pokemon has already been delivered, I'm sorry, if the mod tells me that the winner was you. I'll try to talk to the person who has the pokemon to see if they return it. zorry
  12. I didn't look at your comment, I'm in the game
  13. The auction ended at 9:07 pm (at night)
  14. I do not understand what you mean
  15. congratulations to the winner, sorry for everyone else and thanks for participating
  16. Payment Methods Coin capsule = 380k | IV Reroll Ticket = 530k | Pokedollar HALLOWEN TREECKO 𝗦𝗧𝗔𝗥𝗧 : 6M MIN BID: 500K AUCTION TIME : 72 hours after first bid
  17. Payment Methods Coin capsule = 380k | IV Reroll Ticket = 530k | Pokedollar BATTLE BOND GRENINJA 𝗦𝗧𝗔𝗥𝗧 : 500K MIN BID: 50K AUCTION TIME : 72 hours after first bid
  18. @Zoruami sorry for mentioning it mr mod. but the buyer does not connect. Is there a way to end the sale?
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