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Everything posted by Super3nino

  1. Contact me here or ingame with your price
  2. Wtb epic bold volcarona and epic ada ha scolipede
  3. Okay , whats your ingame name? Mine is same as here.
  4. Added insta price.
  5. How about changing a little bit the colors of s garchomp? It looks quite similar to the normal one
  6. Your offers have no reason. Read better the starting bid.
  7. https://prnt.sc/jqlx2g Start bid 1m5 Minimum raise by 100k Auction will last 3 days after the first bid.
  8. https://prnt.sc/jlzq6p Selling only insta for 10m.
  9. Start bid 1m Insta 2m3 Raise bid by 100k min - Auction lasts 3 days after 1st bid
  10. starting bid: 400k insta: 2m minimum increase 50k per bid Auction ends 3 days after first bid.
  11. No, they didnt fix it. They ruined a lot of trades.
  12. Is cubchoo trading fixed? As far I as I know yesterday that pokemon couldnt be traded.
  13. bum
  14. Bid starts 1m Insta 3m Bid raise 100k minimum. 3 days since first bid.
  15. s. tyrogue price?
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