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Everything posted by Han1402

  1. I have completed all the requirements but there are pokemon i have dexed before so when i follow the instructions there are none i have 1910 hours of play, evolution 305 and 79 Pokedex capturing data from the native Pokemon Sinnoh
  2. Hi, I can't select PKM Uxie/Azelf/Mesprit. But I fought them.Thanks
  3. please help me restore my Celebi ID: 50912457 Ingame : Han1402, Server: Gold. Thank you
  4. Hi, I want to recover my Manaphy which I deleted by mistake. ID: 49514646 IG: Han1402 Server: Gold Thanks for help
  5. S.o: 1.5 M Min bid: 250k No insta. End in 48H Accepted payments: Pokedollar CC = 370k IV RR = 700k Bid in forum or in game. IGN:Han1402 Start countdown in 48H https://countingdownto.com/?c=3789487
  6. c.o 2m by zazelion , minbid 200k end 48 hours check on forum
  7. c.o 1m8 by forget3479 , minbid 200k end 48 hours
  8. Hi, I want to recover my Tangela which I deleted by mistake. ID: 49450445 IG: Han1402 Server: Gold Thanks for help
  9. Hi, Need help restore Rhyhorn ID:48613503, thank you. Server: Gold Ingame : Han1402
  10. when u online, pm me in game at account Han1402, but tell me here first
  11. Time is over, You won Xemo at 2.25m, are u available now?, we can go for trading
  12. Ok, You got best offer Xemo, around 3 hours left
  13. Notited, thank you for your bid Start action. End at 18:45 PM - 1/1/2021 (GMT+7)
  14. Selling my Xmas Dratini Start: 1m min: 250k raise Insta: 5.5 m Action end in 72 hours after first bid Also accept coin capsules: 450k each / bms: 200k Offer here or pm me in game: Han1402
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