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Everything posted by Yash005

  1. Trade Done Thanks Thread can be closed now
  2. C.O - 20k minimum bid - 5k insta - 1m time duration 24 hr from start accepted items: coin capsule - 480k iv reroll - 490k
  3. Trade done thread can be closed now
  4. Sorry I was off at that time can we meet now?
  5. 50 minutes left
  6. 600k
  7. C.O - 220k by Narutox07 Minimum bid - 20k Insta - 1m Duration - 48 hr from start Accepted items Coin capsule - 480k
  8. 2m Charizard
  9. 900k
  10. Winner pragnayas34 Minimum bid - 10k Insta - 1m Duration 24hr after start Accepted items: Coin capsule - 480k
  11. Just wondering if talking to this NPC Mysterious Cultist(Cherrygrove City) allows to do the Zacian/Zamazenta quest or not as I already did it when it was released
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