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Everything posted by Mehira

  1. Congratulations to Jadeash for winning. The trade has been done.
  2. A little bit less than 2 hours left with 1.2m being the highest bid so far.
  3. Start: 500k Min raise: 100k Auction ends 48h after the first bid Accepting only pokedollars Winning bid: 1.2M End time: 11th January 20:55 GMT +1
  4. BUMP Lowered the starting price
  5. Start: 60k Min bid: 20k Auction ends 24 hours after the first bid Accepting just pokedollars
  6. Congratulations @Elijope your bid was the winning one. Drop me a message here or on Discord: Bloom_Mion so we will be able to arrange in game meeting to complete trade.
  7. BUMP 2 hours left with 140k being the highest offer.
  8. Start: 100k Min bid: 20k Auction ends 48 hours after the first bid Accepting just pokedollars Winning bid: 140k End timer: https://vclock.com/timer/#countdown=48:00:00&date=2024-01-04T15:40:14&sound=xylophone&loop=1 - 15:40 GMT +1 4th Jan
  9. Hi, if your service is still available then I would gladly buy it for Kanto - only first 4 badges. Contact me here, ingame or discord Mion#0604.
  10. Hello, I'm interested in buying story service. As written in the title, I need only first 4 badges in Kanto, so it shouldn't take too much of your time. Contact me in the forums, ingame (Mehira) or Discord - Mion#0604.
  11. Hello, I'm interested in story service, though I only need first 4 badges in Kanto story service. Mehira ingame, or Mion#0604.
  12. Amazing guide, thank you for your help.
  13. You can find blue brush by hunting Magikarps on Breezy Path.
  14. So auction is finished, lullu44 is the winner. I will contact him through pm to organize the trade.
  15. 3 hours until the end with highest offer from lullu44 - 350k.
  16. Approximately 30 hours left until the end of auction.
  17. S.o. 300k Minimum raise - 50k Instant price - no insta price Auction starts after the first offer. Auction ends 48h after first offer - 18th of March 13:25 GMT+1 Time - https://greenwichmeantime.com/time-zone/gmt-plus-1/ Accepted payment methods: Pokedollars, CC - 400k
  18. I see, thank you for quick reply.
  19. Hi there! I need help with price check of this recently caught Abra
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