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  1. Re: Epic Pawniard, 30atk , total 128 ivs <t>epic and rare pawniard! looking for more</t>
  2. Re: Epic Pawniard, 30atk , total 128 ivs <t>bo 2.1m by aymanex15</t>
  3. Re: Epic Pawniard, 30atk , total 128 ivs <t>bo 2m by popuke</t>
  4. as no more offer 2.9m insta sold to him
  5. PRO Username: Have you looked at the FAQ to solve your issue?: Yes On which server issue happened: None What have you done before the problem was there? What have you already tried to solve the problem? Description and Message I want to buy coins but i don't have credit card.Is there any way can i buy coins without credit card?
  6. Offer :Grin: :Grin:
  7. Welcome ,meetik^^
  8. hello!!^^ Welcome ^^
  9. As i am come from HK so sorry for my bad english haha :) Hello everybody I started playing this game about one to two mouth This is a interesting game,i love to play so much. i had beat kanto e4 and i am johto no.7 gym now! See u in the game ^^
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