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Cyber54 last won the day on November 15 2018

Cyber54 had the most liked content!

About Cyber54

  • Birthday December 16

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Beast Trainer

Beast Trainer (5/12)



  1. Start Price: 4m End Point: 72h after first bid. Insta: No Insta Min. Raise: 250k Accepted Payment(s): IV RR = 750k, Nature RR = 350k
  2. just saw it now auction ended 2h53m and since no1 else bid ur the winner sir. Where can we meet? Check dms
  3. Start Offer: 2,5m End Point: 18th July 10am GMT+2 or CEST // roughly 48h from now Insta: 5,4m Min. Raise: 250k Accepted Payment(s): IVrr=750k, Nature rr= 375k, CC=375k,
  4. Start Offer: 1m End Point: 48h from now / 15th July 9am GMT+2 or CEST Insta: 3m Min. Raise: 250k Accepted Payment(s): IVrr=750k, Nature rr= 375k, CC=375k,
  5. Start it Maestro. Play some music Sir. Greetings
  6. Aight its time. 3 Pokes is a hard limitation so i tried to pick 3 rare and really godly pokemon. Might add Honorable Mentions if some people are interested Silver Server: The one and only Glisgod The Bosssharp And the Medichamp Greetings
  7. I think the auction ended. And @Gabriel345 is the winner with 3,75m.
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