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Posts posted by Apexultra

  1. Good day sir, no i mean is being a Sinnoh Region Champion required for me to be able to catch Darkrai? I just finished Sinnoh Region today and Darkrai still doesnt appear. 😞 Would really appreciate for your assistance sir. 

    Thank you!

  2. Good pm sir,

    Already brought a pokemon with miracle eye and foresight. Also defeated horon twice already. Although someone told me that its also pre requisite to be a Sinnoh Region Champion? Tho i haven't confirmed that yet with anyone.

    Thank you sir for your time 

  3. Please help.  After i defeated Darkrai then was warped to the next room to battle his weakened form and try to catch it, he disappeared after talking to him. I didn't have any chance to try and catch him and its my first time to do the quest.  I tried relogging and going back to the Alucard Castle 3rd floor but he still wasn't there. 

    Would really appreciate your help. Thank you!


  4. Please help, how come after i battled Darkrai then was warped to the next room. It says "Darkrai Only an Illusion" 😞 then he disappeared I was suppose to catch his weakened form but did not get any chance to battle him the 2nd time. image.png.0ef30a80b312be348f0eafbf7eee425b.pngWould really appreciate your help. 
    Thank you!

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