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  1. Well with his, that would be 4 accounts I have, but obviously his doesn't count as mine. Lastly, I don't know what an exploit is, I guess it has something to do with computers or hacking. I only use my 3 accounts to farm bosses. Even my accounts that have multiple regions passed are almost like main accounts. So I'm not doing anything that could get my or my friends' accounts banned?
  2. My topic is more of a question, I met a guy in game who helped him a lot, I helped him because I don't mind. The guy trusts me a lot, so much that he gave me access to his account to help with missions and quests and such. I don't mind helping you with small missions and fighting some bosses, I can do that in a minute and I have time to spare, plus I like helping. The problem is that they told me that I can get banned obviously I freaked out. I just wanted to know if what I'm doing is against the rules, I don't even get any benefit from helping you, I don't even know why I'm helping him, I guess I'm just like that. Plus, I guess I'm helping him because of the trust he had in me by giving me access to his account, if what I do is not allowed, I'll stop doing it. I only did it to help the guy. Sorry if I didn't explain myself well, my language is not English, I just thought that if I spoke in English you would answer faster.
  3. this topic will be fast and direct this new exp system is very bad you can't upload well and they don't even say that the lv of the pokemons you defeat doesn't matter anymore only players with a lot of resources don't care about the new system no one cares that you have that they are more than 4 hours just to be able to upload a single pokemon ar lv 80 and they don't even say that nobody cares about our opinion I suppose they are going to read this and they will not care. but to be honest I don't care either since I'll board the game and it's not fun to play if you have to go through hell just to upload a single pokemon. goodbye and many thanks for years of fun I hope I can return after a few years if things improve♥
  4. sarcasm? sarcasmo?
  5. bueno gente a hora hay que dejan nuestra familia y trabajo para poder subir de nivel. y ni hay que hacer una queja por que ya estan diciendo que la queja es falsa
  6. llevo años en el juego y ami se me hace dificil enserio cres que para un nuevo jugador se le hara facil no hay nada de logica en lo que dices
  7. Welcome to pokemon revolution online where you have to put more effort into the game than your own family or work to only be able to carry a pokemon ar 100. Even with membership you will not be able to upload quickly enter now. *sarcasm*
  8. If that's ugly, you don't even want to play anymore, it will be hell to raise the pokemons of lv regardless of the pokemon you defeat. I think that if this says yes I will have to stop playing. Since I can't spend 5 hours just to go up 10 levels and they don't even say that the places where pokemons come out with their high level are useless
  9. more information please I don't understand what you mean
  10. You need to show some photos or screenshots that you did have them after the update and now you no longer have them. Because from what I've seen, this only happened to you
  11. It's easy, just let him kill you so he can lower his happy and then raise it again too. Use the mysteryus candy if the poke is at lvl 100
  12. [ 2FA ] - RECUPERACIÓN DE CORREO ELECTRÓNICO Y ASISTENCIA Reclamo General Resuelto enter the link explain your problem put the username of the account and in a new email
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